Oil discoveries were made in the wells Jahal-1 (1996) and Kuda Tasi-1 (2001) which prompted the former operator, Woodside, to undertake further detailed geological and geophysical exploration in the area over the following few years.
Extensive 3 dimensional (3D) seismic surveys were undertaken and two further wells, Kuda Tasi-2 (2003) and Kuda Tasi-3 (2006), were drilled to further investigate the discovery which was close to Woodside’s Corallina and Laminaria oil fields in Australian waters.
Woodside subsequently defined the Kuda Tasi discoveries as sub-economic and farmed out its 40% share of JPDA 06-105 to the new operator, ENI, in 2007.
Several additional exploration targets exist in JPDA 06-105 for future exploration focus and activity. ENI has drilled Kitan-1 (2008) and a significant discovery of oil was made. An appraisal well on the Kitan structure, Kitan-2, is to be drilled shortly.